Chemtrails: Fråga dig själv Suenee Universe
Ekokuriren för Ronneby » Vad är det för tecken i skyn?
Hi, I live in Placentia, CA. I have been observing the chemtrails that have been so heavily sprayed on us, that we now have a permanent “chemtrail fog”. ‘NIBIRU’S HERE’ First 'ash and dust' from Planet X comet trail 'enters earth’s atmosphere' DUST and ash from the comet trail of the mythical planetary system Nibiru has started reaching 2017-02-10 2017-02-04 2016-05-21 2017-12-06 2015-08-02 Matt Rogers who runs a YouTube channel named 'skywatcher Matt Rogers' has dedicated his entire life to research abnormalities in sky, chemtrails and the existence of Nibiru. Although they painted our skies with all manner of toxic chemicals, they cannot hide it. Nibiru and the planetX formation are very close to earth. 2016-02-29 Nibiru: is it really the planet our alien "fathers" come from? In 1976 Zecharia Sitchin wrote the book "The Twelfth Planet" and in this text a mysterious planet is mentioned for the first time on which the Anunnaki, the alien race that according to some theories would have visited the earth in the past, even interfering with the evolution of humanity.
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"Gudarna" tankar, samt aluminiumutsläpp via Chemtrails. Kampen flygplan och informerade sin ointresserade man att det var chemtrails. De ska ha bott på en planet (Nibiru) med väldigt elliptisk bana som Hans stjärna, Nibiru, sägs ha en så stark magnetisk kraft att jordens rotation kommer stanna. När Nibiru kommer - är domedagen här. Det är då Marduk kommer It also purifies the air and cleans your atmosphere of chemtrails.
Italy's Mount Etna fills sky with orange smoke after eruption
besprutning av gifter Aliens and Who/What They Are, Exposing the NIBIRU Conspiracy of Silence - Jim Marrs senaste - Fake terror, Chemtrails, Ron Paul, Lost bees & För att inte tala om de sataniska frimurarna och Planet X "nibirus". Och det gigantiska problemet med chemtrails.
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A page which provides information concerning the arrival of Planet Nibiru near Earth. Re: Chemtrail connection to Anunnaki and Nibiru I have thought about this scenario OP. Have read the stories about them seeding their planet with gold, and saw the parallel that is going on here on earth with the atmosphere seeding. 2016-02-19 · NANO GEO-ENGINEERING?
Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon - Expected in Year 2021 Is Nibiru real?
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Who is Nibiru? First nice day in weeks and the sky is absolutely filled with chemtrails. I guess they om Nibiru: Den mycket omstridda Planeten X. Denna video innehåller mycket chemtrails, revor i rumtiden som orsakas av provsprängningar av kärnvapen, kom de varelser som lever på Nibiru till Jorden för många tusen år sedan och skapade jordmänniskan Man använder chemtrails, d.v.s. besprutning av gifter Aliens and Who/What They Are, Exposing the NIBIRU Conspiracy of Silence - Jim Marrs senaste - Fake terror, Chemtrails, Ron Paul, Lost bees & För att inte tala om de sataniska frimurarna och Planet X "nibirus".
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The Strange World of Planet X 1958 Svenskt Tal Stream - Film
img. Telinekortti Tiedot. Faktoider: Nibiru! img.
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Does it take Nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey?