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Wikileaks: Assange slängs ut från ambassaden GP

AFP August 26, 2012 9:25pm. “Assange asylum rumor is false,” Correa confirmed on his Twitter feed. He added that he is waiting for a Foreign Ministry report on the issue, without which a decision will not be made.Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino has confirmed that on Wednesday, his ministry will present its conclusions on Assange’s asylum petition to President Correa for an executive decision.On Monday El expresidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, acusó este jueves a su sucesor, Lenín Moreno, de haber "entregado a EE.UU" al fundador de Wikileaks, Julián Assang 2020-12-16 · RAFAEL CORREA: The spying they did on me is by the same company that spied on Julian Assange at our embassy. The direct fault is obviously David Morales, who is responsible for the firm, but he had regular contact with the CIA. Es muy probable que la opción afín al expresidente Correa gane, por lo que, de alguna forma, habrá perdido el sucio “lawfare” y habrán ganado Rafael Correa y Julian Assange, si no se vuelve a utilizar aquel, como ya se atisba, con acciones concordadas de las fiscalías generales de Colombia y Ecuador, para evitarlo, extremo que ha sido advertido y denunciado por el relator de Naciones El efecto dominó de WikiLeaks, los trucos de los líderes de EE. UU. y el futuro de América Latina. Todo de la mano de una persona que siempre ha acertado en President Rafael Correa gave RT an exclusive interview explaining his country's position concerning Julian Assange's case.

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Therefore, at Women Networking (Mujeres en Red) we consider that the right of citizens to communication and information is above the corporate interests of media companies, with increasingly monopolistic dynamics 2015-10-19 · Recently, Forbes Executive Editor Michael Noer sat down with Rafael Correa, the American trained economist who has served as the left-wing president of Ecuador since 2007 for a wide-ranging RAFAEL CORREA. JULIAN ASSANGE:ConChávez y Lulafuera del ojopúblico,una nueva generación delíderes de América Latinaha surgido. Esta semana,me acompaña el presidente deEcuador, Rafael Correa. Correa es un populista de izquierda que ha cambiado la cara del Ecuador.

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El expresidente de Ecuador, Rafael Correa, se mostró indignado por la detención de Julian Assange en Londres en una entrevista con Café CNN. Correa afirmó que Ecuador fue humillado, ya que 2012-08-24 · The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has hit back at critics who accuse him of hypocrisy for granting asylum to Julian Assange while launching lawsuits and verbal attacks on his country's own RAFAEL CORREA: The spying they did on me is by the same company that spied on Julian Assange at our embassy. The direct fault is obviously David Morales, who is responsible for the firm, but he had regular contact with the CIA. Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa claimed Tuesday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange meddled in 2016 US presidential elections during his stay at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, according to CNN. BRITAIN has withdrawn a threat to enter Ecuador's embassy in London to arrest WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, President Rafael Correa says.

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Assange-brevet lämnades personligen över till ambassaden

Correa has offered Assange asylum and told Britain to let him leave the embassy and fly to the South American country. The leftist leader said Assange, who has been in the building for nine weeks, was welcome to stay there “indefinitely,” but also said he was open to discussions.

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2019 Selon Rafael Correa, ces accusations de corruption ont été «l'élément détonateur» qui a poussé Lenin Moreno à se «venger» en permettant à  11 Apr 2019 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange had spent seven years in asylum in Ecuador's UK embassy, Ecuador Rafael Correa Lenin Moreno Quito. 11 Abr 2019 En conversación con CNN Chile, el ex presidente de Ecuador se refirió al arresto del fundador de Wikileaks en la embajada de su país en  12 Abr 2019 En estos términos califica el expresidente de Ecuador Rafael Correa la expulsión del fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, de la embajada  23 Jul 2020 Tribunal español investiga posible espionaje a Rafael Correa en caso Assange. El expresidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa.

2020-12-13 · Rafael Correa on Venezuela, Assange, and ‘preventing the total destruction of our homeland’ Max Blumenthal · December 13, 2020 Max Blumenthal interviews former Ecuador President Rafael Correa, who was in Venezuela to observe its legislative elections and show support to a government under sustained economic and political attack by the US. 2020-12-16 · RAFAEL CORREA: The spying they did on me is by the same company that spied on Julian Assange at our embassy. The direct fault is obviously David Morales, who is responsible for the firm, but he had regular contact with the CIA. Former Ecuadorian leader Rafael Correa issued the stark message to the WikiLeaks founder, who he says could be sent straight to the US. The 47-year-old faces allegations that he publicly released Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa greets Christine Assange, mother of Julian Assange, at the Carondelet presidential palace in Quito, Aug. 1, 2012. Rafael Correa Open To Talks With Britain On Julian Assange Reuters FILE - This is a Monday, Dec. 5, 2011 file photo of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as he pauses as he makes a statement to media gathered outside the High Court in London. Rafael Correa.
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The direct fault is obviously David Morales, who is responsible for the firm, but he had regular contact with the CIA. Es muy probable que la opción afín al expresidente Correa gane, por lo que, de alguna forma, habrá perdido el sucio “lawfare” y habrán ganado Rafael Correa y Julian Assange, si no se vuelve a utilizar aquel, como ya se atisba, con acciones concordadas de las fiscalías generales de Colombia y Ecuador, para evitarlo, extremo que ha sido advertido y denunciado por el relator de Naciones El efecto dominó de WikiLeaks, los trucos de los líderes de EE. UU. y el futuro de América Latina. Todo de la mano de una persona que siempre ha acertado en President Rafael Correa gave RT an exclusive interview explaining his country's position concerning Julian Assange's case.

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28 Aug 2012 Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said Sunday that Britain had withdrawn that threat. What are Ecuador's motivations for granting asylum to  23 May 2012 La entrevista completa de Julian Assange a Rafael Correa World Tomorrow]( http://alt1040.com/2012/04/assange-revelara-secretos-a-nivel-  17 Aug 2012 Ecuador's President Rafael Correa pictured during an interview Aug. 17, a day after the country granted asylum to WikiLeaks' founder Julian  13 Abr 2018 Julian Assange tiene «los días contados» en la Embajada de Ecuador, según Rafael Correa. El expresidente ecuatoriano augura la salida del  Ecuador's president Rafael Correa acknowledged Friday that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will remain in his country's embassy in London as long Här samlar vi alla artiklar om Rafael Correa. Fler artiklar hittar du i följande artikelserier: Fallet Julian Assange. Andra ämnen som ofta förekommer i artiklar om  Assange må välkomnas i Ecuador. Men ecuadorianska journalister som vill följa i hans fotspår får det svårt.